Clarity intensive Workbook
It's time to kick confusion and mental fog to the curb!
The "Confusion to Clarity" workbook will coach you through 7-proven steps to clarity so that you can win your spiritual warfare battle and see a clearer path into your God given purpose and destiny in just 21 days!
I'M READY!The mental warfare that you have been fighting has been exhausting😩🥊
Each time you get close to breaking through into your next season or level in life, the enemy launches psychological warfare to trap you in hopelessness, fear, limiting beliefs, restlessness, anxiety, depression, unbelief and self-condemnation. These are just a few of the strategies that he uses to keep you either stuck in the wilderness and/or cause major delays to your purpose.
As you embark on your clarity journey you will be equipped to:
"Dig deeper" to identify and strategically work through the specific attacks being used against you with proven solutions
Successfully discern the voice of God to discover His will for your life and move forward with confidence into your next season
Apply kingdom principles that will give you the authority and power to defeat every weapon formed against you and your purpose from this day forward

But you might be thinking...
"I am so tired of fighting- Jesus take the wheel! 😳 The truth is that...
- You are waging war against the enemy for your destiny and must partner with God to end cycles and take back everything that the enemy has caused you to forfeit that belongs to you!
- The Lord and His heavenly host are fighting in the spirit realm on your behalf, however, there are principles that you must apply to your situation here on earth in order to win!
- God is calling you to something greater than what you have been experiencing in your life and it is time for you to discover what that is in order to start walking fully in your calling!
- Jesus finished the work on the cross and has given you access to the keys that will allow you to operate in the power and authority that He has given you over every enemy in your life, seen and unseen!
Here's another truth
You and what you are carrying is worth fighting for!
The enemy always heavily attacks those who were chosen to make a great impact in the Kingdom of God. Discovering who you are during this process and "the stuff you're made of" (what God has placed on the inside of you) is just the beginning of carving out a clearer path to your purpose.
There will always be spiritual enemies at the "gate of your greatness" to block your advancement. God wants you equipped so that you can enter through the gate strong and courageously to "possess the land" that belongs to you!
THIS IS ME!Amazing Testimonials🌟!
"It was a blessing having someone who didn't speak from books or opinion, but straight from the wisdom and insight from God. That was huge for me."
Calmesha B.
"You are empowering so many women, young and mature, into welcoming a life of abundance, faith and prosperity."
Tia T.
Here's a quick glance into
What we will cover to help you win your mental warfare battle

Identifying Spiritual Warfare
We will start by clarifying the tools you will need to be successful in this process. From there, we will jump right in to the enemy's business by identifying different aspects of spiritual warfare to gain a better understanding of what you've been going through. We will take a short but deep dive into your most pressing issue to gear you up to fight effectively while laying the foundation for clarity in this area of your life!
Week 1
Commitment and Covenants
The focus of week 1 is to clarify your commitments and covenants in your personal and spiritual life. Unhealthy cycles and imbalances in your life will be identified to create necessary boundaries that will foster clarity and much more! There are some powerful revelations that the Lord gave me for this week that will begin the process of aligning you to His will for your life, and more!
You will have scriptural guidance and homework to work through each day this week to aid in your progress!

Week 2
Learning and Assurance
We will dig even deeper during week 2 to develop strategies that will help get you mentally stronger so that you can discern God's voice (identifying how God has been communicating and what He is saying to you), while gaining the confidence to trust God and yourself as you move past cycles of confusion and into clarity!
You will have scriptural guidance and homework to work through each day this week to aid in your progress!
Week 3
Revelation, Implementation, Transformation, and Yokes
This week's focus will be on implementing the POWER of God through prayer and revelation gained from the previous weeks. We will identify what is going on in the principality realm, and work to destroy the "spiritual wall of resistance" that has been keeping you oppressed and outside of the will of God. I share a powerful revelational lesson from the Lord about strongholds and yokes this week that I believe will give you a strong finish in this process, as well as be life changing for you as you move forward towards your destiny!
You will have scriptural guidance and homework to work through each day this week to aid in your progress!

How does this sound?
After completing the 21 day Clarity Intensive, you can have..
- Reduced or Eliminated Confusion: Applying the Kingdom principles and practical strategies shared within this workbook will equip you to head off confusion and uncertainty more effectively, facing opposition from a position of power and authority to live a life of victory!
Confidence Boost: As you gain mental clarity your confidence in God and yourself will improve, allowing you to pursue your purpose with assured direction, enhanced focus, ferocious faith and radical obedience rooted deeply in the truth of who God says you are!
Purpose Alignment: As your desires, goals and decisions align to God's desires and will for you, it opens the door to living an intentional and fulfilled life of influence and impact in the Kingdom of God and your day to day interactions.
Continued Growth: Use your "new keys" accessed from this process to cultivate an even stronger relationship with the Lord, yourself (thought processes), and those around you to maintain clarity in your decisions and any new challenges that you will face to effectively fight opposition and win!
"You allowed me to see myself the way God sees me."
~Lynn S.
Are you ready for clarity?

plus YOU will receive this
Awesome bonus!
To jump start you on your journey, the "Confusion to Clarity" workbook includes a free guide that introduces the 7 attributes of C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. Already have it? Great! That means you're 1 step closer to clarity!
Hey, I'm Millie
your Coach and appointed Destiny Helper. God and I are excited to partner with you on your path to purpose! As a Holy Spirit lead Life and Purpose Coach, the Lord uses me to speak His heart and the truth of His word into the heart, minds and spirits of His people to advance them forward in His Kingdom. God has anointed me to bring His people back to Him, or deeper in relationship with Him by helping them break free from their bondages, transition into and/or through their wilderness season, and successfully cross them over into their promised land (Kingdom businesses, ministries and assignments). The Lord has given me fresh revelation into some of His Kingdom principles that I believe will transcend throughout seasons and generations as His people wage war for their purpose and destiny!
But it wasn't always this way for me...
B.C. (before I became a submitted and committed follower of Christ), I had no sense of my true identity, purpose or direction. I believed in Father God and Jesus Christ, but I struggled with my faith, discerning His voice, and seeking His will for my life. In fact, I didn't know that God had a specific "blueprint" for me to follow. I thought I was supposed to live my life based off of what I wanted or desired, while placing God on the back end of my decisions or most times not considering Him at all😔.
I was one who served God out of religious fear instead of a covenant relationship. I lacked confidence in God and myself which caused me to make several poor life decisions that brought on unnecessary spiritual warfare. I was aware of the term "spiritual warfare", but was not awaked to the attributes of the schemes that the enemy uses. The enemy's plan is to spiritually surround us on all sides keeping us in a wilderness of confusion, lack of faith, and blindness to God's plans and purpose for our lives.
In 2016, the Lord began to awaken me in various ways to this truth, which brought me to my knees asking the Lord to marry me and show me His plan and purpose for my life😭🙌🏾. As I became a true follower of Christ, and learned how to effectively wage war for my destiny, I was able to win one of my most challenging spiritual warfare battles to date, move to the geographical location predestined by God to "birth my destiny" (Dallas, Tx), and am now walking confidently, obediently and boldly in my purpose!
God Romans 8:28'd my life! He is no respecter of persons and will do the same for you too, no matter what you are going through🙏🏽.
Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
I am dedicated to helping you cross the finish line in your personal situation.
Let's get to work!💕

This IS for you if:
- You are ready to confront and address any challenges or negative patterns that might be causing unnecessary warfare and confusion.
- You're ready to gain your power back and kick the devil out of his seat of authority in your mind and life while taking back everything he has stolen from you!
- You are comfortable with self-directed learning and taking ownership and accountability for your spiritual growth and personal development.
- You often find yourself feeling overwhelmed and confused about what God wants for your life and you're ready to be guided into clarity.

This is NOT for you if:
- You are not ready to dedicate your time and effort to consistently commit to the work that is required in this 21 day process.
- You have no desire to grow closer to God to discover what His will, plan and purpose is for your life.
- You enjoy living a life of defeat, are not ready to see the fruit of change in your life and want to stay stuck in mediocrity and complacency.
- You are not open to the possibility of transformation in your mindset and life.